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Fourth Year Course Content

GE 451 Geodetic Surveying II

Geodetic leveling - precise, reciprocal and trigonometric leveling methods; application and use of gravity data; gravity measurements – absolute gravity measurements, relative gravity measurements, gravity meters and their calibration, drift control and observation procedures; Earth tide and drift correction; gravity networks; free air, Bouguer and topographic reductions; free air and Bouguer anomaly computations; the geomagnetic field – concepts and definitions, correlation between geomagnetism and gravity; magnetic surveys – principles and use of magnetic survey equipment, magnetic observatories. 

CE 461 Engineering Economy & Entrepreneurship 

Basic economics, Accounting in Construction, Engineering Economy (Economic Analysis/Appraisal), Construction Measurements and Estimating; Entrepreneurship: New Venture Opportunities and Innovation, Feasibility Planning; Products and services, patents/copyrights, Marketing new ventures & Market Research, Organising and Financing New Ventures; Business Law, Law of Contracts; Identification, Development and Implementation of New Ventures.

GE 461 Cadastral Surveying 

The Survey Acts 1962, LI 1444; techniques and functions of cadastral surveying; reference systems; Technical Instructions for cadastral surveying in Ghana, demarcation of boundaries; layouts, sub-divisions of parcels; maps and plans for Deed and Title Registration and planning purposes; concepts of multi-purpose cadastral systems; Land consolidation and resettlement surveys; boundaries at sea.

GE 463 Land And Geographic Information Systems 

Spatial data types; point patterns; Measures of arrangements; network analysis-patterns of lines; paths, branching, topology and concepts of distance; patterns of area; partitioning, spatial scale and spatial aggregation problems, concepts of space; exploratory spatial data analysis; and spatial autocorrelation. Overlays.3D analysis and surface renderings.

Introduction of GIS to typical application areas such as: Cadastral Records and land information; Facilities Management; Urban planning; Land use and Agriculture; Natural Resource Management; Environmental  and Ecological Modelling and monitoring; Marketing and Demographic studies; Defence and Emergency service needs; and Health planning.  Decision making with GIS and Decision Support Systems; knowledge-based techniques. System planning and implementation: (gaining management support; determining system requirements; evaluation of alternative systems and benchmarking; pilot projects; cost/ benefit analyses); system implementation and acquisition planning; the operational system. Management issues: data accuracy and quality; data ownership and Custodianship; data access and liability; the economic value of data/pricing policies and GIS standards. Multi-Criteria Evaluation, Gravity models and Location/Allocation models.  Economics of LIS/GIS;

GE 491 Project I 

Supervised research project by individual students or group of students as part of the requirements for graduation.


GE 472 Land Law And Registration 

Evolution and development of Land Law and Records; interests in Land; tenures - copyhold, leasehold and conveyancing; Ghana Land Law and its composite character - family, stool, skin, clan and Asafo companies; customary tenancies - Abunu, Abusa; concepts of boundaries; Land Boundaries Settlement Acts and Ordinances; Registration of Deeds in Ghana; the Land Registry Act 1962 (Act 122); Registration of Title - English and Torrens Systems; the Land Title Registration - PNDC Law 152.

GE 464 Database Systems 

What and why Databases? Data Administration and the Database Administrator. Functions and facilities of Database management. Data Models and Data Architecture levels, clustering and compression, distributed databases, data sharing, integrity and security, data independence, file and record locking, referential integrity. Relational Databases: Entity relationship modeling, building and normalizing spatial databases. Domains and Relations, Relational Data integrity, Primary, Candidate, alternate keys. Overview of relational Algebra, The SQL language and other query languages. Database design: functional dependencies, Normalizations.

GE 474 Principles Of Valuation Of Land And Building

Methods of valuation; effect of tax on land property values; fund theory - valuation for mortgage, insurance and auctions; valuation methods in inflationary times; valuation of varying incomes; farm valuations.

GE 476 Professional Studies and Development 

Technical report writing; requirements and purposes of technical reports; citations and references; proposal writing and formal report. Tendering - preparation of tender documents, professional ethics; Concept of business; Human resource management, recruitment and monitoring of employees; performance appraisal and training. Operations and project management. Optimization-Survey and mapping systems; concepts, components, methods and tools. Introduction to land conflict management:-definition, sources and nature of conflicts. The role of the surveyor in land management. Cadastral and land administration .The surveyor and his/her role in conflict resolution.

GE 492 Project II 

Continuation of supervised research project by individual students or group of students as part of the requirements for graduation.